
The “Association of Official Representatives of Automanufacturers” (AORA) is a non-governmental organization that considers the followings as its primary objectives:

  • Formation of civilized automotive market in Armenia, strengthening the official dealership institute;
  • Organization of various programs, technical and marketing events, in accordance with the interests of the Association members, agreed with each other and jointly with the state authorities, if necessary, to improve the quality of the customer service of the RA citizens in the automobile market;
  • Organization of automotive exhibitions, conferences and competitions to raise awareness of citizens about automotive news and state-of-the-art automotive technologies;
  • Monitoring and analysing the legislation of the Republic of Armenia related to the automobile market, dissemination of relevant information, consultancy, as well as participation in the preparation of normative and legal acts regulating the business mechanisms in the automobile market;
  • Development and implementation of programs promoting road safety in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, as well as organizing and participating in public discussions on road traffic and safety issues and/or participation in such discussions;
  • Development and implementation of programs aimed at raising the level of public awareness on road safety;
  • Implementation of educational programs in preschool, school and higher education institutions;
  • Supporting the implementation of state-of-the-art automotive technologies and environmental programs by public, private, non-governmental organizations, designing and implementing such projects.